Expedition 72- ARISS Series 23 SSTV Experiment

Just when you think it’s done for the year the ISS runs another special event! This was a special year in review with images contributed by the United States, Canada, Japan, Europe, Russia and a special holiday image. The event ran from Christmas Day until January 5th.

I was fortunate to be one of the first people to acquire an image and had all of them within a few days. There were a couple outages. It appears that at one point someone on the ISS accidentally changed frequencies and was transmitting on 70cm rather than 2m. Even so I was able to receive the images. Below are the 12 images that I captured.

Of course I applied for the certificate. They are also offering a QSL card that I may just have to apply for as well.

It was a great event and I’m thrilled to see so much activity from the ISS!