“The ARISS team will be transmitting SSTV images continuously from
June 21 until June 26,” ARISS said in announcing the upcoming event.
“The images will be related to some of the amateur radio activities
that have occurred on the space shuttle, the Mir space station, and
the International Space Station.”
I decided that it was time to use all the sat gear I have sitting around so I set up a Rohn 25 top section with a G-800DXA rotor for azimuth control and G-500 for elevation control and a Gulf Alpha 5×5 CP yagi for 2M. The rotors go to an ERC-M rotor controller which connected via USB to my Mac. The radio is a FT-847 with CAT control to the Mac. Using MacDoppler for tracking and radio/rotor control and Black Cat Systems SSTV to decode.
In 2 days I was able to copy 11 of the 12 images and was issued the following awards:
On the morning of 6/23 I got the 12th image! This was a fun event and I look forward to doing it again next year.
Karn Suwanrat E20ZFD made this cool template to display your images.