Resistor Chart

Resistors come in variations with 4, 5 or more color bands where a 4-band color code is most common. With 4 bands the first and second band represent the first and second signficant digit of the ohm value, the 3 band is the decimal multiplier. Next comes a small gap – helping you to distinguish left and right of the component – and finally the fourth band indicating tolerance of the resistor.

Colors for significant figures:
black: 0
brown: 1
red: 2
orange: 3
yellow: 4
green: 5
blue: 6
violet: 7
grey: 8
white: 9

Colors for multiplier band:
black: 1
brown: 10
red: 100
orange: 1000
yellow: 10000
green: 100000
blue: 1000000
gold: 0.1
silver: 0.01